HWGB Biotech aims to provide a comprehensive range of big health products and solutions
that adopts a preventive measure readily available to give a peace of mind of many around
the world.
Backed by a panel of experienced consultants with relevant
experience in the healthcare and technology industry in regards to
matters involving healthcare and biotechnology.
EBI是于2020年9月18日签署协议,以使用Roderick A. Comunale II MD Inc 和 America Diagnostics & GeneScan Diagnostics的服务进行临床研究,进行标题为“灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗对预防新冠状病毒在高风险人群中之感染的第四期研究”的临床试验。
豪华云顶生物科技医学研究总经理Yaman Walid Kassab博士表示:“这项与Roderick A. Comunale II MD Inc 和 America Diagnostics & GeneScan Diagnostics Inc达成的协议,代表了我们继续推进临床研究的目标为持续动力,即开展用于治疗新冠状病毒之脊髓灰质炎病毒疫苗的临床开发。我们期待在这项针对新冠状病毒患者作出的试验中更多了解髓灰质炎病毒疫苗的潜力。”