HWGB Biotech aims to provide a comprehensive range of big health products and solutions
that adopts a preventive measure readily available to give a peace of mind of many around
the world.
Backed by a panel of experienced consultants with relevant
experience in the healthcare and technology industry in regards to
matters involving healthcare and biotechnology.
雅曼瓦立卡斯沙博士是临床药剂学的助理教授。他于2013年在马来西亚理科大学(USM)取得临床药剂学博士学位。他在学术界拥有7年的经验,特别是在药剂疗法领域。他积极参与医学研究和出版,并发表了超过40篇SCOPUS / ISI索引研究论文,曾监督50多个研究项目和20名研究生。他还担任过一些国际知名期刊的编辑委员会成员,这些国际期刊包括“Frontiers in Pharmacology”,“Archives of Pharmacy Practice (APP)”,“Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Innovation (JMPI)”,“Annals of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases”,“Updates in Public Health and Preventive Medicine”。他也是许多国际专业机构的成员,例如加拿大国际治疗药物监测与临床毒理学协会,叙利亚药剂师辛迪加集团,马来西亚医学与健康科学教育协会,马来西亚药剂协会。