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Do you think you live in a clean home? While most of you would like to respond in affirmation, the reality is that the most pristine homes have some dirty spots. These easily overlooked spaces are often hidden from the gauge of the residents and act as a hotbed for microbes and germs that can cause several diseases. The germophobe amongst you would be alarmed and intrigued to know that these spots hold on to dirt despite your regular cleaning practices. However, paying special attention to these places can help you attain a germ-free home. 5 areas that need additional effort to maintain cleanliness are listed below.
Door handles and knobs
Can you keep track of who, when and how many times touches the doorknobs in your homes every day? Your family members, neighbours, guests, maids and servants and several other visitors touch the doorknobs in your house. While the front door is the most touched spot, the kitchen door, bathroom and bedroom doors and other door handles are also at the receiving end of countless bacterias and microbes through the numerous times they are touched. These door knobs make us their carriers when they stick on our hands while we use them and continue with our day to day affairs without sanitising our hands.
How to clean
Either soap and water solution or disinfectant are effective cleaners of doorknobs. We must allow the solution to stay on the surface for around 5 minutes and then gently wipe them with a cloth.
Kitchen Sink
While everyone attempts to clean the dishes, gas stoves and other storage items in the kitchen, one rarely attempts to clean the sinks. However, you must know that all our utensils find their way to the sink to get clean, and if it continues to be dirty, it will become the cradle of microbes and other germs.
How to clean
It is best to clean the sink after each use with soap-based dishwashing liquid/bar and wipe it down properly to keep it dry and free from germs.
Washroom And Bathtubs
Our ancestors were aware of the fallacies of having a washroom inside the homes, and thus most ancient civilisations had the concept of public baths. While most of you try to clean your toilets quite often, you forget to do the same in your shower area and the bathtubs. Thus, the space of your house where you cleanse yourself is in itself a hotbed of germs and microbes.
How to clean
Disinfect the bathtub or shower area regularly is possible with bleach-based cleaning liquids. You can use them on the floor alongside regular cleaners. Wiping down the faucets with a disinfecting liquid is another step that we may take to reduce the possibility of germ breeding. You must clean your washrooms and bathtubs regularly, just like you do with your toilets.
These spaces of your homes are often the breeding ground of microbes and germs. A regular cleaning routine is necessary to maintain clean toilets, and the frequency must increase if you have guests at home as the chances of germ build-up increases with their frequent use.
How to clean
Disinfecting the toilets is possible with bleach-based solutions and other specific cleaning agents specially manufactured for the purpose. It is always advisable to use washable towels or disposable sponges while cleaning your toilets as they remove the risk of cross-contamination that occurs with reuse.
Remotes And Other Electronic Items
Electrical appliances, mobile phones and remotes are the most unimagined spots of germ transfer. However, their frequent use by more than one family member and at times by guests and others makes them a storehouse of microbes. In addition to these, our laptops and our PC keyboards are the most ignored spaces when it comes to cleaning, and hence they too are a hotbed of germ growth.
How to clean
Cleaning these items must be included in your list of daily chores. While alcohol-based disinfectants are most effective on electronic items, you may use a soft cloth dampened with a bleach-water solution to clean them.
Cleaning these hidden areas is necessary to achieve the highest level of cleanliness that every one of us desires. We should always consider getting our homes deep cleaned and disinfected by professional home cleaning and disinfecting service providers like the Urban Company. While we can try to maintain hygiene, these professionals add an extra layer of protection by using the most-appropriate disinfectants and cleaning agents for each part of the house. Their importance has further increased during the prevalent pandemic conditions.
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